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Washington County Fair 2024



1) The first 16 qualified &
registered contestants will be in the event Only one a parent or legal
guardian may register a child in the Mutton Busting Event

2) Release forms and waivers must be
signed by a parent or guardian before the event.

 3) There is a $10
non-refundable registration fee per child.

4) Parent and child must be present
when checking in on the night of the rodeo.

5) Children must be between 3-7
years of age and may not exceed 60lbs (this is for the safety of the animal)

6) Contestants must wear long pants,
boots or sturdy shoes (no flip flops or sandals) Long sleeve shirts and pants
are highly recommended.

7) Protective helmets will be
required (for the safety of child) Please bring your own fitted
bicycle/hockey style helmet. NO RACING style helmets with point in front!

8) Only 1 parent allowed in the
arena with each contestant.

9) There will be a Washington County
Fair Rodeo staff member to assist and direct each contestant. Listen to the
staff/announcer for all instructions.

Authorization and Waiver by the Participant

Authorization and Waiver by the Participant

(and by the Parent/Guardian for a Minor Participant)


Participant should wear proper clothing for these activities; i.e.,
closed toed shoes, long pants, and protective gloves. These activities will
take place during the daytime hours outside, and the weather could range from
vrey cold to very hot depending on the time of year. Dehydration, sunburn,
heat stroke and other risks are possible during very hot weather. Caution
should be used to protect against these dangers.

I, the undersigned, do hereby request to be allowed to participate in
all the aforementioned activities, and I, the undersigned, as the parent or
guardian of the minor child named above (if applicable), do hereby request
for my child to be allowed to participate in all the aforementioned

 In consideration for, and as a condition of, me, and/or my child,
being allowed to participate in these activities, I hereby agree as follows:

I am aware and recognize that the activities listed above are inherently
dangerous and that I, or my minor child, may be subjected to the risk of
physical or mental stress and exertions, personal injury or death, or damage
to my property by participating.  I
state that to the best of my knowledge I, or my minor child, am free from any
known health problems that could prevent me or my minor child from
participating in the activities listed above, and that I, or my minor child,
am sufficiently physically and mentally fit to participate in these
activities.  I freely, voluntarily, and
with such knowledge assume the risk of death, personal injury, property
damage and expenses, arising from or in any way connected with these

That myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns release and will
defend, indemnify and hold harmless Washington County, Utah  and its officials, officers,
representatives, agents, employees and volunteers from and against any and
all loss, damage and expense incurred by reason of any claim or liability
based upon personal injury (including death) or property damage arising out
of or as a result of my participation, or my minor childs participation, in
the activities which are the subject of this Agreement.

That myself, or my minor child, are volunteering for Washington County.  This waiver and release gives Participant
permission to enter County property for that purpose.  I understand that Washington County, its
officials, employees, volunteers, and assigns, shall not be responsible or
liable for any injury, damage, loss, or expense, either to me, my child, or
my property, incurred while participating in these activities, resulting from
any act or omission of the County. 

That Washington County and its assignee's may reproduce or use images taken
during this program on video, photographic or any other media, without cost
or reimbursement to me, for the promotion of the County's programs, trainings
and facilities.



This event has expired and is no longer accepting orders. Check out some other events here